According to the latest research by, Inc, the average worker spends 1.7 hours doing nothing at 8 hour working day. Mainly this time is allocated for personal web surfing (34.7 %), dialogue with friends and colleagues (20.3 %), hobby (17.0 %).
Company EfficientLab has developed software product Work Examiner solving problems of Internet usage in your company.
Work Examiner analyzes not only what your employees are engaged in, but also what they spend time for. Moreover, you can analyze time spent for surfing, blogs and chats both by separate employee, and department or the company.
Under "No-purpose" internet usage it is possible to understand various activity behind the computer and on the Internet. Work Examiner contains mechanisms of automatic sorting of applications and web sites on groups. It facilitates works with the program and allows to simplify introduction of Internet usage tracking. At the same time, we understand, that for each company concept of no-purpose time individually, therefore user Work Examiner can adjust corresponding groups of applications and web sites on their discretion.
Work Examiner software also can form detailed internet usage reports.
The report can be exported in 10 popular formats, including PDF, HTML, MS Word, MS Excel. And for automation of creation of reports under the schedule there is Report Jobs function. It is enough to set parameters of the Job and, for example, weekly internet usage report, in PDF format, every Friday will be sent to the email of the manager.
Except means of monitoring Work Examiner possesses also the restriction tool of internet usage - Internet Filter which will give the chance to block access to sites or groups of sites on time, hours, to users, computers.
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